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Affiliate Magnet Privacy Policy

By using Affiliate Magnet, you agree to the following privacy policy.

What information is stored?

  • Your settings, which include header, whitelist and replace modes, affiliate IDs/tags and server IDs are stored in our database.
  • Above settings are stored even after the bot is removed from the server.
  • If you send a message via direct support, your user ID is sent to the moderators but not stored in the database.

Why we store the information and how we use it

  • The settings: header, whitelist and replace modes, affiliate IDs/tags are required for the bot to function properly.
  • Your server ID is used to identify your settings in the database.
  • This data persists even after the bot is removed from the server, just in case the bot was kicked by mistake. If the bot is added again to the server, the previous settings will be restored.
  • Your user ID which is sent to moderators when you DM the bot for instant support is used to reply to your query.

Third Party Data Sharing

No specific data is shared by any third party service, apart from these:

  • The number of servers the bot is in and the number of shards is sent to for the bot page.
  • Moderators can see your user ID when you DM the bot for direct support.

Questions and Concerns

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the bot, feel free to email me at

Removing your data

The bot cannot function without the server settings. However, if you are no longer using the bot, you can email me to remove the settings for your server from the database.